Jun 15 2020
With all shows and concerts being canceled and rescheduled, Nik Wallenda in conjunction with Arny Granat of Grand Slam Productionspresent a show that can be done now, outdoors with the audience in cars,NIK WALLENDA THRILL RALLY is a drive-in thrill show spectacular. The show features and stars Nik performing & walking a 65 foot high wire including riding a motorcycle with his wife Erendira doing acrobatics high in the air. They will be joined by Guinness World Record Holder, and 6 time world record holder The Human Cannonball DAVID SMITH as he is shot out of a cannon, Motorcycle Jump Rider JOHNNY ROCKET, The Globe of Death Steal Ball with motorcyclist riding inside, BMX/FMX Motorcycle Jump Thrill Riders, Sway Pole Acrobats and much more. Performing death-defying stunts and feats never before seen together in one place. This drive-in type show will accommodate CDC guidelines & social distancing. Cars will be staggered with parking spaces between them. Food and Drinks will also be available. “The world is living in fear right now, & I know exactly how that feels“ says Wallenda. “I hope this show encourages people to overcome challenges & see that nothing is impossible."
About NIK WALLENDA: he is an American Acrobat, Aerialist, Daredevil, High wire Artist, & Author. He is known for his High-Wire performances without safety nets. He holds 11 Guinness World Records for Various Acrobatic Feats, but was best known as the first person to walk a tightrope stretched directly over Niagara Falls. Wallenda walked 1800 feetthis year on the ABC Network Television Special over Masaya Volcanoin Nicaragua on March 4 2020, his longest walk to date. Nik was born into the world famous Wallenda Family, also known as The Flying Wallendas & The Great Wallendas, Legends & Iconic Circus performers.
For Scheduling and Booking details please contact:
Conway Entertainment Group
1625 Broadway The Orbison Building Suite 500 Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 724-1818
Tony Conway - [email protected]
Brandon Mauldin - [email protected]
Cody Payne - [email protected]