THE NIK WALLENDA THRILL RALLY Available For The First Time Ever

Jun 15 2020

THE NIK WALLENDA THRILL RALLY Available For The First Time Ever

With all shows and concerts being canceled and rescheduled, Nik Wallenda in conjunction with Arny Granat of Grand Slam Productionspresent a show that can be done now, outdoors with the audience in cars,NIK WALLENDA THRILL RALLY is a drive-in thrill show spectacular. The show features and stars Nik performing & walking a 65 foot high wire including riding a motorcycle with his wife Erendira doing acrobatics high in the air. They will be joined by Guinness World Record Holder, and 6 time world record holder The Human Cannonball DAVID SMITH as he is shot out of a cannon, Motorcycle Jump Rider JOHNNY ROCKETThe Globe of Death Steal Ball with motorcyclist riding inside, BMX/FMX Motorcycle Jump Thrill RidersSway Pole Acrobats and much more. Performing death-defying stunts and feats never before seen together in one place. This drive-in type show will accommodate CDC guidelines & social distancing. Cars will be staggered with parking spaces between them. Food and Drinks will also be available. “The world is living in fear right now, & I know exactly how that feels“ says Wallenda. “I hope this show encourages people to overcome challenges & see that nothing is impossible."


About NIK WALLENDA: he is an American Acrobat, Aerialist, Daredevil, High wire Artist, & Author. He is known for his High-Wire performances without safety nets. He holds 11 Guinness World Records for Various Acrobatic Feats, but was best known as the first person to walk a tightrope stretched directly over Niagara Falls. Wallenda walked 1800 feetthis year on the ABC Network Television Special over Masaya Volcanoin Nicaragua on March 4 2020, his longest walk to date. Nik was born into the world famous Wallenda Family, also known as The Flying Wallendas & The Great Wallendas, Legends & Iconic Circus performers.


For Scheduling and Booking details please contact:


Conway Entertainment Group

1625 Broadway The Orbison Building Suite 500 Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 724-1818

Tony Conway - [email protected]

Brandon Mauldin - [email protected]

Cody Payne - [email protected]

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